"Why do I often dream of dying or being killed? Why do dogs attack me and bite in a dream? Why do I often dream of finding money on the ground? What numbers can I get out of my dream often repeated or by a dream that was very beautiful? Do dreams point to my emotions or not? " How many times have you dreamed of being in strange places, meeting people you do not know or finding mysterious objects? Dreams are wishes for a song but dreams are realized in our reality very often. Do dreams that we do in the morning or in the afternoon or at night or night are worth something or do not serve anything? Dream interpretation and the meaning of dreams with cabal, dream dictionary with the meaning of dreams from A to Z, predictions and numbers to play at various national lotteries. In this article you find all this. If you do not know where to read, find, know some numbers related to your dreams or nightmares, then here you can accomplish your curiosity and try to extract some lucky numbers. The meaning of dreams free from letter A to letter Z . The interpretation of dreams is a serious thing. And you have to know what lies behind every element that appears in our dreams. With this dream book and the guide to the right interpretation and the meaning of dreams, you can really try to anticipate some events in your life, get useful tips and solve some issues that do not make you sleep overnight. Meanings and psychology of dreams are very complicated to study because each one of us has its own way of dreaming, a vocabulary of dreams and nightmares but in the meantime with what you find on this page, you can understand some things and find matching numbers to play to try a win. Every dream is never stupid and trivial but can hide a very deep meaning. Certainly, most of the dreams represent some of the events that we have lived in our daily lives, but other dreams can represent our likely future, our projects, our ideas, our emotions, and rarely, behind some dreams, can be the winning numbers.
What do you find in this article? First you find a very complete dictionary where you can find the number that matches an object, action, place, person you are dealing with in your dreams. You can then write dream numbers on a sheet as you are awake, but remember that you have to extract numbers from the main objects you dream, from the people you meet, so you just have to consider some important dream details. The list below is divided by letters. If you have, for example, dreamed of a cat running, then open the menu of letter C and that of letter R and find the words cat and run. If the cat was doing a particular action, for example, it was scratching or biting someone then look for the word scratch or the verb biting (or bite) in the corresponding down menu, where the words are listed in alphabetical order and then mark the numbers which you have found. For example, dreaming of a running cat and scratching offers the following numbers:
CAT = 59 - RUN = 48 - SCRATCH = 19
Before choosing your numbers from the dream dictionary, let's note the section of the site where you can calculate some numbers linked to your date of birth:
Letter A:
abbess 39
abbey 60
abbot 58
abduction 50
abortion 13
absent 1
absolution 50
abstemious 51
abundance 49
abyss 58
accept 70
accident 87
accompany 66
account 37
accumulate 59
actor 65
address 79
adultery 61
adventure 25
advertising 50
advise 84
advise against 76
aggression 69
agony 52
air 28
airport 47
aisle 25
alert 61
alley 36
almonds 54
alphabet 90
altar 75
ambulance 45
america 34
anchovies 69
angel 36
anger 22
animals 89
anniversary 49
annular 23
answer 56
anxiety 73
anxiety 43
apartment 42
appetite 44
appetizer 84
applaud 80
apple 41
appointment 33
approach 61
apricots 33
aragosta 55
arc 56
archangel 69
archbishop 75
armchair 15
aroma 17
artery 78
artist 82
ash 57
ask 18
asparagus 44
asphalt 46
ass 21
assault 45
assist 25
asthma 76
astrologer 79
asylum 1
athlete 44
atlas 24
atom 30
atrium 12
attempt 81
attic 74
august 13
aurora 83
authority 37
avalanche 29
avi 26
avoid 45
award 30
ax 4
azalea 12
Letter B:
babydoll 13
bachelor 28
back 46
backpack 72
bad 14
balcony 23
ball 89
ballast 44
ballerina 76
ballet 73
balustrade 8
banana 3
bandage 89
bandit 14
bank 66
bank 64
baptism 23
Barber Shop 78
baritone 7
bark 41
barrel 85
barricade 9
barrier 38
barter 90
basilica 31
bassoon 89
bastard 77
bat 48
bather 78
bathing 14
bathroom 50
bathtub 24
battalion 90
battle 68
be quiet 88
beach 11
beak 32
beans 73
bear 85
beard 24
beat 50
beautify 87
beauty 76
bed 88
bee 61
beer 10
beggar 17
bell 19
bell tower 76
belly 10
belly button 2
belt 43
bend 31
benefactor 14
beneficence 90
berry 18
best wishes 81
Bible 44
bicycle 52
bigamy 35
Biglia 53
bikini 49
bill 30
billion 61
bin 20
bird 5
biro 2
birth 49
bishop 74
bison 90
bite 46
bite 89
bite 56
black 33
black cherry 21
blackbird 25
bladder 49
blade 40
blame 35
blaspheme 80
bleat 19
blessing 37
blind 67
block 17
blonde 20
blonde 34
blood 86
bloom 40
blow 50
blue 43
boar 65
boat 8
boat 76
boatman 82
body 73
body 62
bombing 49
bond 85
bones 62
Bonta 27
book 59
bottle 54
boulder 6
bouquet 23
bow down 13
bowl 51
box 33
boxer 16
bracelet 76
braid 12
branch 89
brandy 54
brass 48
brawl 45
bread 3
break 60
break through 49
breast 79
breasts 23
breath 49
bridge 65
bright 42
brother 67
brush 52
bucket 29
bud 73
budget 17
build up 33
bullet 61
bump 19
burgle 87
burn 44
burn 25
bury 59
bus 8
bush 77
butter 55
butterfly 70
button 60
button up 75
buy 43
bypass 64
Letter C:
cage 38
cake 1
calendar 18
calf 24
calligraphy 14
camp 51
canary 11
cancel 2
cancer 12
candle 38
cannon 42
canvas 27
cap 34
car 51
carboy 49
card 5
cardsharper 45
carpet 32
carrot 51
cartel 27
case 57
casket 27
castle 34
cat 59
catch up 13
cautious 12
cave 82
celery 88
cellar 19
cemetery 3
certificate 23
chain 79
chair 61
chair 59
challenge 27
chance 26
change 40
change 13
charge 10
chase 46
chase 10
chasm 9
cheat 87
check 73
cheeks 42
cheese 49
cherry 25
cherry 14
chess 23
chest 72
chest 18
chew 25
chicken 83
chicory 57
child 86
child 21
childhood 36
chin 86
china 39
chocolate 69
cholera 44
christmas 87
chrysanthemum 84
church 29
cigarette 63
cilia 58
cinema 51
circle 67
citrus 76
city 66
clairvoyant 38
classroom 15
claw 28
clay 24
clean 12
clear 1
climb 65
cling 6
clock 4
close 32
closet 84
closet 57
cloth 73
cloths 41
cloud 76
clouds 21
clove 58
clown 2
coal 69
coat 42
coat 72
cob 37
cockchafer 77
cockroach 61
cod 5
coffee 87
coffin 9
coins 83
cold 76
collapse 82
collar 72
collar 55
collection 44
color 61
color 83
comb 8
come to the aid 44
command 66
company 42
complaint 71
computer 31
cones 90
confectionery 12
confess 85
confide 61
confusion 45
congratulations 30
container 70
contract 62
convent 75
conversation 41
cook 67
cookie 12
copper 10
core 79
costume jewelry 3
cough 81
country 17
couple 53
courtyard 13
cow 64
cradle 77
craftsman 44
crane 88
cream 12
crest 59
crevasse 4
crib 45
crime 32
crocodile 89
cross 1
cross 90
crow 60
crowd 72
crown 65
crumble 64
crush 30
crust 72
cry 38
cuckoo 5
cup 53
cupboard 25
curl 71
curls 41
curly 50
currant 34
curve 78
customs 39
cut off 80
cutlery 2
Letter D:
dagger 51
dahlia 24
daisy 17
dance 22
dance 4
danger 20
dark 25
dawn 34
day 23
dead 87
deaf 60
deal with 1
death 13
death 89
debris 87
debt 28
decapitate 31
deceased 32
dedication 44
deer 59
deface 54
defend 54
delinquent 50
deliver 32
den 15
departure 4
depression 83
derailment 58
desert 13
design 44
devil 8
dial 54
dialect 59
diamond 55
diarrhea 69
diary 20
dice 17
dictator 73
die 22
dig 70
dig 4
digger 51
disappointment 18
disaster 79
disaster 41
discharge 46
disco 16
discolor 1
dishes 64
dislike 54
disorder 58
dissolve 86
dita 34
divide 52
doctor 66
doctor 34
dodge 42
dog 85
dolphin 29
doodle 64
doubt 81
down 14
drain 33
drama 37
drape 50
draw 4
drawer 54
dress 57
dress 82
dress 57
drink 67
drink 74
driving 42
drown 25
drug 16
drum 63
drunk 8
duel 20
duplicate 53
dust 66
dwarf 87
Letter E:
eagle 52
ear 15
ear 6
earring 23
earth 9
earthenware 53
earthquake 13
earthworm 79
easter 50
eat 87
eclipse 59
educate 38
education 2
effeminate 23
egg 10
eight 16
either 21
elbow 4
elder 37
elegant 22
elephant 36
elevator 80
elm 46
embalm 36
embark 41
embrace 32
emerald 73
empty 3
enamel 77
enclose 43
encyclopedia 73
enemy 71
enlighten 40
enlist 2
enter 45
entrance 73
entry 81
envelope 51
envelope 80
envy 79
epiphany 6
epistle 6
ermine 30
err 83
error 64
eruption 59
escapee 27
eunuch 82
examination 53
exercise book 41
exile 18
explore 36
expressed 23
expressway 8
extirpate 62
extraterrestrial 41
exult 33
eyebrows 2
eyelid 86
eyes 70
Letter F:
facade 45
face 84
face 66
factory 30
failure 38
faith 40
fall 16
fall in love 12
fall out 68
falling asleep 9
family 3
farm 36
farmer 27
farmer 60
fashion 13
fast 13
fate 62
father 49
father 60
fear 30
Featuring 54
feces 63
feel 63
feet 48
fence 25
ferry 71
festival 65
fiasco 26
field 56
fig 7
fight 82
fight 77
fight 10
figure 45
find 89
find out 14
fine 85
fingertip 25
fir 2
fire 7
fire 14
fireplace 62
first name 59
fish 54
fish 74
fist 33
flag 40
flavor 10
fleas 56
fling 72
flood 77
flood 19
flooding 32
flooding 49
floor 19
flour 51
flowers 80
flush 38
fly 77
foal 74
foam 18
fodder 59
fog 6
fold 33
fold 82
follow back 45
food 36
fool 54
football 8
footprint 17
ford 57
foreign 64
forest 38
forget 75
forget 75
forgiveness 31
fountain 68
four-leaf clover 8
fox 43
friends 1
frightened 65
frog 41
front 46
fruit 45
fun 36
funeral 14
furnish 38
future 88
Letter G:
gag 48
gain 52
gallery 82
gallows 45
garage 78
garbage 45
garden 69
garlic 41
garret 57
gasket 75
gear 19
gemini 41
gemstones 44
get 45
get angry 62
get engaged 60
get off 79
get on 46
get rich 51
get up 45
getting drunk 35
ghost 20
gift 90
give 41
give birth to 17
glass 90
glass 7
goal 69
goat 50
god 13
gold 20
gold coin 25
goods 41
goods 65
goose 29
grandfather 36
grandmother 41
grapes 63
grass 53
grave 70
grease 39
green 17
greenhouse 44
grind 64
grinder 14
ground 60
group 5
grow 74
grow old 59
guard 4
guard 5
guardian 30
guest House 34
guillotine 12
guitar 3
gun 40
gypsy 10
Letter H:
habit 84
hair 79
hair 60
ham 47
hammer 59
hand 4
handkerchief 57
handle 8
hands 61
hands 37
hang 9
hang up 42
hardness 65
hare 74
harp 5
harvest 80
harvest 17
hat 89
haversack 38
hawk 30
hay 62
hazelnuts 34
head 86
header 20
healing 22
healthy 85
heap 6
hearing 83
hearing 35
heart 59
heat 81
heat 55
hedgehog 4
height 78
heir 46
hell 10
helm 64
helmet 81
help 24
hemorrhage 9
hen 72
hen-house 36
herd 7
hernia 30
heron 29
hide 78
hill 32
hit 60
hitch-hiking 80
hive 83
hole 80
holidays 4
homosexual 47
hook 52
hook up 69
horns 20
horse 83
horsefly 2
hospital 83
host 81
hot 43
hotel 84
hourglass 12
house 67
house 24
hump 82
hunger 6
hunting 16
hurricane 14
hurry 52
husband 84
hydrangeas 24
hypothecate 58
Letter I:
ice 17
identity 17
idol 8
illiterate 90
illness 78
image 73
in a low voice 4
in labor 8
incense 64
incest 89
increase 55
industry 10
influence 65
ingredients 90
injustice 21
ink 71
Insanguinarsi 62
insects 66
installment 90
institute 16
insult 2
intestine 30
invalid 88
invent 44
invitation 22
invoice 79
Inzaccherarsi 76
iron 77
island 84
Italian 84
Italy 39
itch 22
ivory 29
ivy 45
Letter J:
jacket 68
janitor 67
jar 66
jaundice 1
jaw 44
jealousy 13
Jew 40
jewelry 85
job 89
joke 50
judge 12
jump 63
Letter K:
kangaroo 45
key 76
kidney 15
kill 10
kin 54
king 19
kiss 79
kit 41
kitchen 49
kneading trough 24
knee 30
knife 79
knock 17
Letter L:
label 41
labor 23
labyrinth 40
lace 85
lake 19
lamb 21
lame 31
lamp 62
lampshades 28
land 71
landing 43
language 46
lantern 89
lard 45
laugh 41
laurel 34
lawn 12
lawyer 67
layette 7
lazy 16
lead 52
lean 32
learn 6
leash 11
leave 45
leave 31
leaves 82
leeches 4
leek 81
left 45
leg 74
leisure 23
lemon 49
lentils 59
leo 44
leopard 29
letter 78
lice 68
license 11
lie 38
lie 62
light 6
lighthouse 10
lightning 77
lilac 86
lily 87
lily of the valley 3
lime 55
line 20
line up 30
linen 36
lips 74
lipstick 24
liqueur 25
list 88
listen 68
litigation 65
living 4
lizard 86
loaf 71
loan 73
lock 90
look 74
look like 24
Loquat 49
lose 55
lose weight 58
loss 48
lotus 79
love 49
lover 90
low 14
lower 63
luggage 46
lung 29
luxury 47
Letter M:
macaroni 90
machine 21
mackerel 67
magic 50
magician 81
maintenance 65
male 34
mallow 55
man 20
mania 14
mantle 62
map 11
marble 47
market 5
marriage 27
marry 38
marry 9
mask 5
mass 33
master 47
masturbate 60
match 33
match 27
mate 19
mathematics 58
mattress 33
maturity 32
measure 77
meat 89
medal 33
medicine 27
meet 16
meeting 6
melo 90
melon 42
member 3
memory 19
meringue 14
messenger 71
metamorphosis 8
midwife 51
migraine 67
milk 16
mill 58
miller 34
millions 38
mimosa 68
mine 89
mine 13
mint 30
mirror 85
miser 9
misfortune 77
miter 42
moat 79
mock 84
modesty 89
mold 12
mold 86
monaco 46
money 28
money box 6
monkey 89
monster 72
moon 54
morgue 75
morning 47
moscow 58
mosquito 44
mother 80
mountain 82
mourning 90
mouse 12
moustache 83
mouth 36
mozzarella 88
mud 53
muddy 66
mule 20
mummy 35
munitions 79
murder 86
murderer 22
muscle 86
museum 68
music 82
mute 56
mutilation 90
myrtle 36
Letter N:
nails 82
nails 32
nape 42
narcissus 41
navigate 19
neck 28
necklace 69
need 73
needle 15
neglect 79
nest 81
network 32
new Year 51
newborn 44
news 19
newspaper 48
night 24
nightingale 23
nightmare 19
ninepins 1
node 90
noise 73
nose 8
note 74
notice 32
novel 11
nude 71
numbers 89
nun 2
nurse 69
Letter O:
oak 9
oar 39
obese 55
obey 58
obstacle 38
ocean 88
odor 61
off 54
office 45
official 56
offspring 18
oil 29
ointment 23
old 43
oleander 21
olive tree 45
olives 17
onion 15
open 25
open wide 9
opium 55
opponent 75
oracle 36
orange 17
orange 51
orchid 38
order 46
orgasm 79
otitis 74
outbreak 48
oven 49
overflow 39
owl 57
ox 33
oxygen 32
Letter P:
pack 81
pact 71
padlock 30
pain 87
paint 88
painter 66
pale 18
palm 60
panther 39
pants 54
pants 3
parabola 62
paradise 60
parasol 35
parchment 7
parents 52
parrot 74
party 62
pasta 7
pastry shop 85
path 6
pay 90
pay off 12
peach 81
peacock 9
pear 88
pearls 86
pears 14
peas 41
peck 5
peel 32
peel 8
pen 64
penance 63
peony 71
people 40
pepper 15
pepperoni 21
perfume 80
person 69
personality 60
petroleum 47
petticoat 73
pheasant 71
photo album 13
photography 89
pick up 16
picture 5
pigeon 2
piglet 75
pike 45
pill 9
pillar 33
pillow 56
pilot 73
pink 41
pipe 87
pitcher 42
place 69
plague 57
plane trees 80
plow 9
plumage 20
pocket 78
poetry 88
poison 2
polenta 50
police headquarters 14
poor 85
pope 55
poplar 75
pork 64
port 87
port 15
porter 5
portfolio 30
porthole 73
portrait 75
postman 42
pot 21
potato 58
pour 78
powerless 4
pray 84
pregnancy 63
pregnant 28
priest 29
prince 74
prison 48
process 62
procession 66
procreate 73
professor 11
promise 82
promotion 82
property 32
prophecy 33
proposal 13
prostitute 32
protect 87
proverb 28
prunes 81
psychiatrist 37
puddle 1
pull 69
pumpkin 82
puncture 29
punish 30
pupil 53
pupils 23
puppet 84
puppy 59
purchase 78
purgatory 42
purse 43
pus 74
push 59
pustules 16
putrefaction 73
pyramid 13
Letter Q:
quail 63
quarantine 43
question 26
question 32
quiet 47
quiet 32
Letter R:
rabbit 27
radio 40
radishes 21
radius 67
raft 83
railing 27
rain 68
rainbow 39
raise 19
raise 77
ram 16
range 39
rape 12
rat 27
rate 75
rattle 60
rattle 69
ravioli 1
razor 82
read 22
receipt 23
reconciliation 11
red 69
reins 57
relationship 76
release 2
relic 1
remarry 64
remember 31
report 90
reptile 58
repugnance 52
resident 66
restaurant 24
return 86
revenge 76
revolution 50
rheumatism 60
rhino 74
rhubarb 16
rice 42
rice fields 48
riches 83
ring 32
rise 87
risk 73
river 80
roast 8
rob 27
robbery 81
robin 60
rock 48
rocket 68
rod 1
roof 50
room 19
rooster 20
roots 73
rope 61
rosemary 66
rot 68
rouge 13
rovi 86
royal palace 51
rubbish 68
ruby 86
run 48
run away 81
Letter S:
sack 88
sacrament 88
saffron 36
sage 71
sailing 52
Saints 56
salad 76
salami 65
saliva 34
salon 52
salt 84
sanatorium 66
sand 41
sandals 19
sapphire 54
Satan 53
sauce 18
save 26
saw 13
scaffold 42
scalar 56
scald 9
scale 30
scalpel 32
scam 82
scandal 54
scarab 4
scarlet fever 85
scars 59
scene 81
scene 37
school 19
schoolchildren 26
scissors 33
Scorpio 63
scraper 70
scratch 19
screw 14
scuffle 18
sculpt 16
sea 23
search for 10
secret 21
seed 53
sell 22
semolina 14
sensuality 52
sentence 57
separation 41
set out 62
seven 82
sewer 65
shadow 4
shaft 9
shake 84
shave 48
shawl 21
sheaf 65
sheep 12
sheet 14
shell 72
shell 8
shelter 78
shepherd 42
ship 39
shirt 34
shiver 87
shoes 68
shoot 8
shop 12
shortcut 37
shorten 75
shout out 54
shower 23
shower 52
shrub 80
shutters 87
sibyl 50
sick 2
side 26
siege 77
sign 14
silk 82
silver 33
silverware 55
singer 12
skeleton 3
sketch 84
skin 48
skirt 7
skull 42
skunk 2
sky 39
slander 66
slap 50
slave 16
sled 33
sleep 69
slice 74
slide 51
slime 87
slippers 58
slope 78
smallpox 24
smoke 1
snake 38
snort 89
snow 79
soap 37
socks 17
soldiers 28
sole 83
son 85
song 73
sorceress 1
sore 11
sorry 75
soup 15
soup 64
sour 60
spaceship 15
spectrum 33
speech 78
speedboat 33
spell 69
sphere 80
spider 82
spleen 45
spoon 72
spots 32
spring 22
square 88
square 25
squirrel 38
squirt 1
stack 48
stack 32
star 43
steak 21
steal 24
steam 30
steel 32
steering wheel 72
step 52
stick 67
stick 43
sting 39
stink 39
stock market 2
stomach 61
stone 2
stop 39
storm 52
straw 84
strawberry 29
stream 32
stretcher 76
stroke 40
student 22
stutterer 89
sty 89
succumb 40
suffer 21
suffer 84
sugar 10
suitcase 28
sulfur 42
summer 86
sun 53
sunflower 75
survive 68
swaddle 50
swallow 54
swallow 60
swarm 31
sweep 35
swim 89
swimming pool 29
swing 76
sword 26
Letter T:
table 66
tackle 79
tail 9
tailor 9
take 2
taking to the sky 38
talk 8
tangerine 66
tape 29
taper 69
tarantula 58
target 89
taste 54
taurus 72
tavern 53
tax 26
teacher 28
tears 36
teeth 39
testicles 83
theater 76
theft 17
thief 59
thigh 89
thin 40
thirst 49
thirsty 23
three 39
throat 19
throne 34
throw 9
throw up 55
thumb 9
thunder 73
thyme 30
tick 13
ticket 19
tie 27
tie 12
tire 14
toad 69
tobacco 67
tomatoes 30
tomb 74
tombstone 62
tool 20
top 71
topaz 63
torch 54
tortoise 10
torture 53
torturer 89
tourist 59
tower 71
track 17
track 38
trade off 40
traffic lights 26
train 22
tram 68
tramp 76
transport 26
trap 50
trap 58
trash 19
travel 55
travel 80
tray 55
treason 56
treasure 58
tree 43
trench 2
trial 1
trophy 59
trotta 71
trousers 22
trumpet 52
trunk 32
trunk 81
truth 60
tub 32
tube 85
tuberose 37
tuck 41
tulip 73
tumble 60
tumor 71
tuna 53
tunnel 23
tureen 67
turn off 87
turn on 47
turn white 61
turquoise 49
turtledove 46
typhus 21
tyrant 48
Letter U:
ulcer 77
underground 36
unearth 30
unemployed 54
unfaithful 80
unhinge 84
uniform 23
university 11
unravel 79
untie 80
urine 16
usher 22
usurer 4
uterus 1
Letter V:
vampire 2
veal 20
vegetable 7
vegetables 13
veil 88
vein 61
velvet 62
vertebrae 5
vessel 86
vessel 31
victim 54
villa 36
vinegar 49
violet 36
viper 60
virgin 53
vision 57
visit 23
vortex 42
vote 71
vulcan 78
vulture 51
Letter W:
wagon 22
wait for 74
walk 6
wall 23
walnut 78
walnuts 24
war 81
wardrobe 88
warehouse 7
wash 40
washing up 84
wasp 51
water 74
water 44
waterproof 19
waves 57
weapon 66
weary 85
weave 27
web 87
wedding 69
weekly 9
whale 65
wheat 50
wheat 45
whip 47
white 46
whitewash 31
widow 38
widower 78
wife 67
wild 14
wild beast 84
will 10
willow 28
win 55
wind 7
window 10
wine 33
wing of bird 22
winter 4
wiping 40
wire 61
wish 83
wisteria 22
wolf 42
woman 29
wood 36
woods 84
woodworm 72
wool 51
work 49
worker 22
worm 42
wound 9
wrap 33
wreck 31
wreckage 39
wrinkles 70
wrist 23
write 69
written 2
Letter Y:
yellow 15
yet 21
yolk 24
you 6
young 86
Letter Z:
zebra 65
zero 75
zucchini 69
Dream of hanging something up - meaning
Dream of being attacked by a dog - meaning
Dream an appointment - meaning
Dream of opening a door - meaning
Dream an eagle - meaning
Dream of a kite - meaning
Dream of plowing land - meaning
Dream a bow with arrows - meaning
Dream an orange - meaning
Dream of a rainbow - meaning
Dream of feeling the air is missing - meaning
Dream the silver - meaning
Dream a weapon - meaning
Dream of climbing - meaning
Dream of a closet - meaning
Dream of arresting someone - meaning
Dream of becoming rich - meaning
Dream of decorating home - meaning
Dream of getting angry - meaning
Dream of getting late - meaning
Dream of roasting meat or fish - meaning
Dream of being a military - meaning
Dream of claws of cat - meaning
Dream of a famous character - meaning
Dream of an amputated limban amputated limb - meaning
Dream of having hairs under the armpits - meaning
Dream of being beaten - meaning
Dream of taking a lift - meaning
Dream of having an abscess - meaning
Dream of pimples - meaning
Dream of a towel - meaning
Dream of listening to a song - meaning
Dream of paving a road - meaning
Dream of a donkey - meaning
Dream of cleaning home with a vacuum cleaner - meaning
Dream of tasting something - meaning
Dream a check - meaning
Dream of going to school - meaning
Dream of an insurance - meaning
Dream of seeing an accident - meaning
Dream of an ace - meaning
Dream of an absorbent - meaning
Dream of being accused unjustly - meaning
Dream of being astemio - meaning
Dream of seeing an alien spaceship - meaning
Dream of crustaceans - meaning
Dream of seeing a planet - meaning
Dream of waiting for a baby - meaning
Dream of waiting for a train - meaning
Dream of a terrorist attack - meaning
Dream of landing with the plane - meaning
Dream of making and receiving birthday wishes - meaning
Dream of a salary increase - meaning
Dream of an actor or singer - meaning
Dream of crossing a bridge - meaning
Dream of a boreal aurora - meaning
Dream of asking or receiving an autograph - meaning
Dream a car - meaning
Dream of a garage - meaning
Dream of hitchhiking - meaning
Dream of a highway - meaning
Dream of being poisoned - meaning
Dream of moving away from a person - meaning
Dream of sensing strange appearances - meaning
Dream of screwing a screw bolt bulb - meaning
Dream of talking to a lawyer - meaning
Dream of a vulture - meaning
Dream the employer - meaning