Silver in dreams. Symbolic meaning and interpretation. What does it mean to dream of bringing shiny silver objects into a store for their sale? What does it mean to dream of stealing and collecting precious silver objects? Why can we dream of wearing or having bracelets, necklaces, pendants, trays, rings, coins, confetti, silver and gold, silver teeth, silver cups? What does it mean to dream of polishing silverware, selling or receiving silverware for a wedding or dreaming of a silver snake? What does it mean to dream of cleaning silver or turning silver and having a silver-colored leather? Buying, buying silver materials, possessing a lot of liquid or solid silver, giving away completely silver objects. Silver can be a widespread thing like gold in our dreams. Silver can also have an esoteric meaning. We can also shoot a wolf, a big animal or a terrifying beast with a silver bullet. What does it mean when we dream that a dead relative who has died for many years comes to us and gives us a silver necklace? What does it mean to dream of sparkling silver or to dream of finding a silver object at home or on the street? "The other night I remember dreaming that my mother and father gave me a big silver ring and I was very happy. Last night I dreamed that I was with my brother, my sister, a friend of mine and a colleague of mine while selling so many silver objects. Last night I dreamed of seeing my boyfriend buying a bracelet but it was not gold, unfortunately it was silver. This night I dreamed of being with my parents, grandparents, brothers-in-law, uncles, cousins??and relatives and we all wore a silver object". What numbers to take in the Neapolitan grimace we can play to try to win the lottery if we have a dream in which we find a silver object, according to the guide and the book on dreams? We know that in these years silver is a material that is not as good as gold, its price and its value have therefore fallen a great deal. We see that we understand its meaning when it appears in our dreams.


Let's say immediately an important thing that is to dream of silver objects is not a very common thing in recent years and the reason is really very simple. Many years ago, even silver was a very precious metal, but over the years its value has dropped very much and now only gold and other metals are considered very precious. However, when an object of silver appears in the dream world, its meaning is never trivial but absolutely identifies a situation that should not be underestimated, which can be positive or negative for the dreamer and his earthly existence. First of all, silver has significant meanings and can represent emotions and sensations, a sense of harmony and balance, inner peace, femininity even in a man and not only in women, purity, goodness of spirit, sense of justice, protection. Often the appearance of a created object, made with this material, identifies a period of our life in which it is very important to follow intuition, to follow our instinct without thinking too much about things to do. Often this metal is compared to the female characteristics, to the feminine qualities such as sensitivity, purity, protection, sense of motherhood and this because its analogy with the Moon and its color is very evident. And here very often, dreaming of silver objects can mean living a period in which our feminine qualities come out and can be exploited to improve our earthly existence. A man who dreams of wearing a bracelet, a ring, a silver necklace is not a vain person but a man who expresses his feminine qualities that, at a certain moment in life, can be very useful. The same can be said of women, girls, although in this case it is also possible to talk about vanity, self-esteem and perhaps excessive appreciation of one's body when too many silver objects are worn in dreams. So a woman wearing, in her dreams, many bracelets, necklaces, rings, could indicate an excessive overestimation of her qualities, a strong desire to appear better than all the others.

We must never underestimate the presence of an apparent and innocuous object of silver in our dreams because often it can also highlight an important insight that the dreamer does not know to possess but that should be used to improve his life. Certainly we must make a difference between dreams in which we find silver objects, perhaps in the street, in a casual way, and those dreams in which we have items in the house that we want to wear or want to sell or give to someone. Silver is still considered a good metal and we often love giving away necklaces, bracelets, rings not only of gold but also of silver. Finding an object of this type on the ground or in an unknown place can mean rediscovering good intuition, a good dose of harmony, protection and a sense of justice. In short, silver is often the symbol of a better inner life, of an evolution and maturation that in our life can take us very far. And here that metal objects found in the workplace or perhaps given away by a work colleague, can indicate an important working agreement, the possibility of making peace with a person we had a fight with at work or the possibility of changing something in the our professional life. Finding this kind of objects at home means finding a good family balance after maybe having a fight with a person like a parent or a child, brother or sister. And just making a gift or receiving a gift means just being able to solve problems of interpersonal relationships that can obviously also affect our love life and in fact most of the dreams in which we see necklaces, bracelets, rings relate to our relationship of love . Meanwhile, we can also say that silver can, but only in some cases, signal the possibility of favorable events, positive opportunities that can allow us to earn money or improve our working life.

Often boys and girls, boyfriends, men and women who have a secret relationship with a lover or live a quiet relationship of love, can dream of finding precious objects, bracelets, necklaces, rings that maybe give to the person they love. If we make a person wear a silver object, then, probably, we are strengthening the relationship with that person and then our relationship is getting even better than before. Among the silver objects that have a greater symbolic value we obviously find the rings, the necklaces and the bracelets that are an evident sign of collaborations, unions, working, professional, financial and not just sentimental alliances. We must never forget the people to whom we give silver objects because these people can provide further details, precious elements to interpret the dream, which is still something very personal. If, for example, we dream of giving a ring to the person we love, then our relationship of love could be made official, we could make an important decision to go to live together or otherwise carry out a project with the person we love. Give or give a ring, a bracelet, a necklace from a work colleague means possible alliances, collaborations that can become very fruitful in real life. But these objects can also be stolen in a dream or simply bought in a store. Buying objects of silver means being able to find the strength to go on in life without asking anyone's help and therefore being able to achieve success by working hard. Stealing in a dream does not have a negative meaning because often this dream action represents the need to understand that we have excellent skills that can help us to realize the projects but we must not be afraid to use all these qualities that seem hidden and do not come out.


Have you had another dream? Do you want to read an interpretation of it? Look in the dictionary of dreams this site the item that you have dreamed and read the interpretation. If you do not find anything you perform a search on one of best dedicated website to the world of dreams and not only, ilmigliorweb.blogspot.com. If you want more clarification on a dream or nightmare that you can write using the contact form and we'll try to answer you as soon as possible.


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