Dreaming is good for your mind and body, and scientific studies prove this. But we dream every night or every now and then? How many dreams we typically during sleep? Why do we dream so much and why some people do not remember their dreams and other people instead remember nothing or almost nothing? What does it mean to dream every night? What does it mean to dream so much, too much and wake up tired in the morning? Why can you do strange dreams every night and it is true that it hurts to dream? "Do you tell me where to understand the meaning of a dream I had? Which online site I can be able to interpret the meaning of a dream or a nightmare that I did the other night? Why I often dream during the night or even during the day while I take a nap?" How to understand the meaning of a dream? How can you understand what dreams bring positive messages and such negative messages to the dreamer? In this article we try to explain quietly and with a very simple language the significance of dreams in our lives. In fact you should know that during our sleep, the brain is not absolutely firm but works and sometimes much to the point that some people can dream so many times during 7, 8 hours of sleep. But we do not dream during all stages of sleep.
Indeed dreams are developed during R.E.M. period that defines a particular eye movement while people are sleeping but dream. The muscles in our body during the dream events are locked and this is really very important because otherwise we might fall out of bed or do other damage. We all dream, but unfortunately many people say they do not remember their dreams. Why this happens? Simply these people go to bed very tired or do not give importance to their dreams, so soon as they wake up no longer go with the mind to what they have dreamed the previous night. Of course you can also dream during an afternoon nap. In order to improve the memories of our dreams there are many techniques and even some of these techniques allow you to have lucid dreams that dreams in which the dreamer realizes he is dreaming and then takes part in the dream or the nightmare doing things that he decides to do well impossible, such as fly. Below is the link to go read some of these techniques:
Dreams are very important because in addition to being in a confused way some scenes that we lived in the days, weeks and months passed, even manage to deliver the messages to the dreamer to deal with a certain situation, a problem that is really present in real life. And the nightmares? Obviously nightmares are important because they mean to put our attention on a situation that is not favorable to us and in this case the nightmares can be a warning or may indicate fears that we have in everyday life. Dreams do absolutely wrong but help our brain to think better while we are awake. Below is a series of links to articles where many types of dreams, common dreams of many people are treated. You can also go visit the numbers corresponding to a dreamed object and play for a win. In addition you can also calculate numbers related to your astrological sign. If you want to be interpreted there a particular dream then use the contact form and describe it for good. Happy reading and good luck !
To dream often dead people - meaning
To dream of speaking with the dead - meaning
To dream to nurse a child to the breast - meaning
Dreams with a guy that I like - meaning
Dreams with a pregnant woman - meaning
Dreams with the devil - meaning
Dreams with marriage - meaning
Dreams with the infidelity - meaning
Dreams with the teeth - meaning
Dreams with the death - meaning
Last night I dreamed to vomit - meaning
Last night I dreamed of seeing an old friend - meaning
Last night I dreamed of stabbing a person - meaning
Last night I dreamed of smoking a cigarettes - meaning
Last night I dreamed of kissing my friend - meaning
Last night I dreamed of collecting mushrooms - meaning
Last night I dreamed of eating candies - meaning
Last night I dreamed of having hot - meaning
Last night I dreamed of eating sweets - meaning
Last night I dreamed I ate my poo - meaning
Last night I dreamed of eating a lot of chocolate - meaning
Last night I dreamed of kissing the brother of my boy - meaning
Last night I dreamed of eating strawberries and figs - meaning
Last night I dreamed of signing documents - meaning
Last night I dreamed of having so much dandruff - meaning
Last night I dreamed of having so thirsty - meaning
Last night I dreamed of traveling - meaning
Last night I dreamed I look in the mirror - meaning
Last night I dreamed I was talking to Jesus - meaning
Last night I dreamed of a flock of sheep - meaning
Last night I dreamed I was arguing with a friend - meaning
Last night I dreamed to fire me from work - meaning
Last night I dreamed my ex-boyfriend came with me - meaning
Last night I dreamed that my friend was pregnant - meaning
Last night I dreamed of talking on the phone - meaning
Last night I dreamed that someone stole my bag - meaning
Last night I dreamed of a bird nest - meaning
Last night I dreamed that I could not breathe - meaning
Last night I dreamed that I could not speak - meaning
Last night I dreamed that I could not walk - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being paralyzed - meaning
Last night I dreamed I did not see - meaning
Last night I dreamed I didn't to get married - meaning
Last night I dreamed I was swimming in the sea - meaning
Last night I dreamed of not having children - meaning
Last night I dreamed I was losing my wallet - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being stung by a bee - meaning
Last night I dreamed that my dog bits me - meaning
Last night I dreamed I hit someone - meaning
Last night I dreamed of taking a bad grade - meaning
Last night I dreamed of seeing so many worms - meaning
Last night I dreamed of a resurrected dead person - meaning
Last night I dreamed of a person who dies already dead yet - meaning
Last night I dreamed that someone choked me - meaning
Last night I dreamed that someone kidnapped my son - meaning
Last night I dreamed my boyfriend had another girl - meaning
Last night I dreamed that would give me something - meaning
Last night I dreamed a strong explosion - meaning
Last night I dreamed so many mice - meaning
Last night I dreamed of having a ring - meaning
Last night I dreamed of see a guardian angel - meaning
Last night I dreamed of passing out - meaning
Last night I dreamed I climbed the stairs - meaning
Last night I dreamed of getting into heaven - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by someone - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by a bear - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by a lion - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by a bull - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by a snake - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by a tiger - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased by an unknown person - meaning
Last night I dreamed of being chased to be killed - meaning
Last night I dreamed of betraying boyfriend and feeling guilty - meaning
Last night I dreamed i was receiving money - meaning
Last night I dreamed they were laughing at me - meaning