Mars is a star, a planet or a satellite? It is a large planet not far from Earth and distant 233.971.069,8 kilometers from the Sun. "I want to know the exact location of Mars to understand which of the 12 zodiac signs falls. Today what is the position of Mars in the sky? Who tells me where to read and discover the free online Zodiac sign in which Mars falls today and at what exact degree of the sign? How can I know, find free online the precise point where the western horoscope is the planet Mars?" Mars now falls in the sign aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius or pisces? Mars today where in the horoscope? In which sign of the zodiac is Mars in this day? In what degree of a sign Mars falls during today or tomorrow ? It is very important to know the exact location, the precise degree of Mars in the horoscope because a point so we can make more accurate predictions or best describe the character of a person. However you know that the grades for each of the 12 signs are 30 and Mars moves about 3 or 4 degrees per day in each sign of the zodiac, so it stays in each sign about two months, but may also remain several months in a sign when it becomes retrograde. Below you can see a small table that shows the position of Sun, the Moon and all the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. For each planet you can read the degree and sign in which it falls. If you reload this page after a few seconds you will find that the degrees are changing and this is because the calculation of the position of the planets takes place in real time.
Mars has a very important significance in the birth chart of a person because it indicates his energy, his creativity, his level of aggression. So Mars makes us understand how to react to a man or a woman but also many other things such as whether a person can be very calm or become easily angry, etc... Its symbolism is also linked to the energy used to engage in life, how to use their creativity to carry out projects, etc... The meaning of Mars able to precise degree in one of the 12 zodiac signs is critical to know the character of a person and so you should never underestimate its position in an astrological chart. You can calculate your birth chart with the exact location of all the planets in the different signs in this webpage. And here under the table with the current positions of the 10 planets.
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