Wealth, assets, possessions, money, capital. What do you want for your zodiac sign this year? Perhaps simply a little peace, serenity, good physical and mental health. Jupiter is the planet that symbolises good luck, good fortune, happiness, prosperity, success, favour, advantage. But what does destiny, fate, fate have in store for the new year 2025 for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces? "I belong to the sign Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Is it true that 2025 will be a very positive year for me? My sign of the zodiac is Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, what can Jupiter bring me that is favourable? I am Cancer and I am told that Jupiter, the planet of fortune, brings with it favourable events.". But which zodiac signs are the luckiest in the new year 2025 with Jupiter in the zodiac sign Gemini until 9 June 2025 which then transits into Cancer and Saturn in the zodiac sign Pisces but then transits into Aries between June and August and then returns to Pisces? Do bad luck and misfortune exist? Certainly not and we alone are the architects of it. Planets in good aspect cannot bring positive and fortunate things if we ourselves stand still and do not get busy. The basis of astrological success must be a constant commitment to life on the part of each one of us. Below we try to explain in general terms the positive and negative effects that Jupiter in conjunction, sextile, trigon, quadrature and opposition can bring to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Immediately below the reading you will also find a general classification of the most and least lucky signs.
Jupiter at the beginning of this new year is in the zodiacal sign Gemini and remains here until June 9, 2025. Its complete transit in Gemini lasted about a year but now its passage takes place in Cancer and from June 10, 2025 until the end of the year 2025 it will be in this water sign while the planet Saturn will still be in the sign of the zodiac Pisces but in June, July and August it will be in Aries before returning to Pisces. The first months of the year are still very positive for the 3 air signs of the zodiac But then the water signs will take advantage and will begin a period in which to sow for the future, with the air signs being able to begin the harvest. Therefore, a year divided in two in which Saturn will still be very heavy for the zodiacal sign Virgo that will be supported by Jupiter in the second part of the year but also for Capricorn that will not only have Saturn in quadrature from the zodiacal sign Aries between June and August 2025 but also Jupiter opposed from June 10, 2025. Do not underestimate the importance of Uranus, which will be in Taurus until 7 July 2025, then in Gemini until 8 November 2025 before returning to Taurus.. Here are the luckiest and least lucky signs of the zodiac in this new year 2025.
Year 2025. Zodiac signs of fire and fortune. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius:
Aries: for you Jupiter moves into the third sector of the zodiac, or rather exactly remains in this sector until the first days of June 2025, bringing certainly a lot of travel, a lot of communication and a lot of luck if you are writers, journalists, if you have to take exams, questions, participate in competitions. It is very probable that some of you may appear on television or in a newspaper or even be the protagonist of an important event. In short, Jupiter will bring greater notoriety to all of you, particularly in your work. From June, unfortunately, you will have to suffer the quadrature of the planet of fortune and you will have to be very careful not to get your hopes up too high with regard to some professional project that could founder. It is much better to take advantage of the first months of the year to make progress, make interesting gains and also to strengthen your power, while in the second half of the year there will be less travel, fewer vague projects, fewer illusions and try to keep your feet firmly on the ground. As far as love is concerned, during some journeys, even not very far, you could discover a new feeling and start a relationship in which you will see or hear each other, even write very often. Lonely hearts have opportunities in the first few months and in particular in spring, while those who are already with someone should avoid exaggerating problems that could lead to a really important crisis in the second half of the year. Physical fitness will require attention after June, so watch your diet. You run the risk of gaining weight or eating superficially.
Leo: your sign of the zodiac will have for the first 5 months very powerful Jupiter in transit in the eleventh sector of the zodiac, the sector which concerns friendships and work projects. What could happen is that if you are committed or have been committed in the last months of the previous year, you will easily succeed in realising everything that you have had in mind and you will feel better about yourself. Even some friendships could become crucial and give you that extra push to act. Finding a job will be easier but you will also be able to improve what you already have. With Jupiter in Cancer in the second half of the year, exactly from June, you will often find yourself in the right place at the right time and you will be able to find the right solutions to all kinds of problems. In short, Jupiter will be your ally, supporter and helper. Speaking of love, in the first five months of the year, it is very likely that someone who was previously a friend, perhaps even for many years, will be attracted to you or you to them, and you will then be able to start a beautiful love story. The second half of the year is slightly more complicated as far as feelings are concerned, but if you have to deal with various problems with your partner, it is likely that everything can be resolved thanks to the support of Jupiter in Cancer, therefore behind you. As far as physical fitness is concerned, the second half is excellent for recovering from possible illnesses, for finding the right cure, the right doctor. Many of you will not realise that you have super energy which can strengthen your body so much.
Sagittarius: Jupiter transits in opposition and this is an astrological event that has been happening for the past few months. Its transit in Gemini lasts until the first days of June and therefore you will be, in these months, always very disappointed by some work projects which will probably not take off and will not be influential in strengthening your professional position. It will be possible to look for work but you will have to be content with what arrives without asking too much. Some disappointment at work, perhaps due to a colleague who puts a spoke in your wheel. Until May, don't buy a house, don't buy a new car and in any case don't invest large sums of money because you could really find yourself without money, disappointed, deceived perhaps by someone who has no scruples. With Jupiter transiting in the eighth house, and therefore in Cancer, you may have to deal with an inheritance, make large sums of money, receive large sums of money unexpectedly and without putting in too much effort. Perhaps a legal case will be resolved positively for you after many years. Your love affair, if it does not fall apart, if it does not end by May 2025 then you can be sure that it will continue for the rest of the year, indeed with Jupiter in Cancer it could allow you to rediscover a great sexuality. Lonely hearts, disappointed in winter and spring, will smile again in summer. Physical fatigue is making itself felt and who knows, you may not have taken much care of your body. Don't neglect your diet and take the opportunity to visit your doctor if you don't feel well.
Year 2025. Zodiac signs of earth and fortune. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn:
Taurus: if you have not yet succeeded in earning what you thought you would earn then you have time until the first days of June because that Jupiter in Gemini, therefore in transit in your second zodiacal sector, obviously indicates economic fortune. If you have sown well in the last year in which the planet transited in your sign of the zodiac, then you will be able to obtain more now and all the money invested in some project can be recovered. Finding a job in spring can be possible whether you are very young or quite old but it is clear that your qualities must come to the fore. The second half of the year is the ideal time to go on business trips, to move around a lot and to conclude agreements and deals with people and cities other than those in which you usually live. If you are in love with someone, the best time is obviously spring, which coincides with your birthday, while if you are already in love with someone, all the months of the year can be very useful for strengthening your union and making choices and decisions that are fundamental for your future together. All the efforts you have made over the past few months will certainly be rewarded in the new year and immediately, without waiting too long. When Jupiter passes through the second house, you may gain weight and eat a lot because you feel good and are in tune with your surroundings. From June, you will be free to travel and, if you are self-employed, you will increase the number of clients as well as conclude agreements with people who are different than usual.
Virgo: having Jupiter in the ninth house for you last year was important because it probably started a path of introspection, your need to find within yourself what you were missing. Now it's just a matter of concluding this journey and understanding if you have managed to become what you hoped for, if you have found what you were missing. Between now and May, some very important trips are possible, both for work and for fun, but you need to be particularly attentive to the second half of the year, with Jupiter in Cancer and therefore in your tenth sector, which will amplify everything you are doing at work. Job promotions, successes, even political or important positions within your own company or even successes from your mother that you can happily share. Probably during most of the year love will be put aside because you will be so busy at work but you should find time to be with the person you love and strengthen the relationship because feelings also help you to understand who you really are. Physically, you should feel very good and even strengthen your psychophysical wellbeing, perhaps by starting a new sport, doing yoga or Pilates exercises, relaxing your body but above all your mind. The second half of the year is an excellent time to cure any ailments, find the right treatment but also to enter new professional or social environments in which you will undoubtedly play a leading role. Luck is with you at last.
Capricorn: excellent year indeed. Both Jupiter transits during this year are quite deleterious for you, especially the one that refers to the zodiac sign Cancer from June. With Jupiter in Gemini until May 2025, it is possible that work will go well, the professional environment will be excellent with real opportunities to do something new, but afterwards you will have to be careful and not take any rash steps. So try to collect a lot, both in the work and in the sentimental and private spheres, in the first months of this year 2025 because the second half will bring to light serious difficulties, illusions, deceptions, traps into which you could inadvertently fall. Physical fitness will be very good until May and afterwards you will have to be careful with your diet, avoiding gaining weight. If you have a good job, don't abandon your old path to take a new one as Jupiter opposite will be absolutely unlucky for you in this direction. Do not buy a house or do any renovation work on it before May, and do not ask for loans which would be difficult to repay. In some cases, you could lose your job, be fired or have an important crisis in your love life, or close a partnership or a company in a drastic way. In short, a year divided into two parts, with the first part absolutely full of satisfaction and the second part very debilitating both mentally and physically. Any form of exaggeration could lead to serious problems.
Year 2025. Zodiac signs of air and fortune. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius:
Gemini: this may be one of the most important years of your life especially if you have reached and exceeded the age of 30. This is because Jupiter not only transits in your zodiac sign, allowing you to sow again in every area of your life but also to reap the fruits of your sowing. So while until May 2025 you can easily change jobs, find a new job, even a love, decide to get married, have a child, buy a house, return to study at university, take competitions and exams, from June and until the end of the year you can instead reap the benefits of all these choices and decisions. Do not stand still but act, move, look for a job if the one you have does not satisfy you and do not underestimate opportunities that may come and must be seized on the fly. If you are alone, don't worry too much but try to cultivate friendships, socialize a lot, take care of your body and your beauty, even changing your look because the opportunities to open your heart and be appreciated by someone will certainly come. Fall in love and do not be afraid to renew your life. By the end of the year perhaps you will already realize that some choices will have been really fundamental, crucial, absolutely advantageous. The sky for the whole year offers a great joviality, a renewed optimism, a great life force and creativity that can give you many other things. A resounding year awaits you in which to consolidate all the achievements of the past months and obtain other interesting successes.
Libra: surely you must act a lot in the first 5 months when the planet of fortune will still be in trigon and will transit in your ninth sector of the zodiac, the sector that concerns foreign countries but also studies and inner life, as well as prayer. During these months you can really mature a lot, find that inner balance between mind, body and soul that maybe you had lost. This path for many of you has already started last year, but now you must conclude it, otherwise with Jupiter in Cancer and therefore in quadrature with your natal Sun, from June 10, 2025, everything will become much more complicated. Speaking of love, if you have a person you trust by your side and that you love very much, then make the choice to move in together, buy a house, have a child and don't wait for the summer because these dreams are achievable thanks to the support of Jupiter. Even work can be much more rewarding in the spring but if you intend to change career path, to change your way, to return to study to deepen and improve your qualities, do not postpone everything to the second half of the year because in those months you will be prone to exaggeration, to make mistakes, to trust the wrong people. Know how to be yourself by believing in your qualities and you will avoid being deceived and deluded. If you are lonely hearts go out and frequent many places of aggregation by the beginning of summer and love may knock on your door soon. Very positive financial investments early in the year.
Aquarius: this year 2025 for you is absolutely very challenging but definitely full of small and big satisfactions and in all this the support of Jupiter will be crucial especially in the first part of the year, especially between winter and spring. Important months to consolidate your social, professional and economic position and also fundamental to realize new projects in harmony with other people who believe in your ideas. Since Jupiter transits in the fifth zodiacal sector until May, you'll have more time to have fun or the areas in which you'll have more success will be those related to fun. Also to make interesting and spicy love encounters the first part of the year is really excellent. As for the part of the year in which Jupiter is in Cancer, be careful not to underestimate your physical fitness but if you will experience periods of fatigue and discomfort here is that the planet of fortune will bring you support. You too, after having taken advantage of the months when Jupiter is in Gemini to sow, with this planet in Cancer, you can absolutely reap but especially in the working environment. The climate within your company or office will be excellent and will improve and who knows, with some work colleague a beautiful feeling may arise. Really profitable trips in the second half of the year to find the physical form that will often require much attention and care because you consume a lot of energy. Unexpected successes, goals that you thought you would not reach that will be achieved.
Year 2025. Zodiac signs of water and fortune. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces:
Cancer: finally after about 12 years Jupiter, the planet of great fortune, unexpected choices, changes and renewals, arrives in your zodiac sign, allowing you to return to smile and have more grit, that grit that will allow you to make great strides. If you are in love then the second half of the year will be absolutely wonderful for choosing the date of your wedding, deciding to move in together, have a child, have a second child, buy a house or fix the one you already live in. You have to dare after June and do not be afraid of the decisions you will make because renewing is important not to get stuck in dead-end streets. If you are lonely in love then look around in the summer and you will have various choices, even live only erotic adventures but if you are interested in true love then your soul mate will arrive. As for the first part of the year 2025, that is from January to the end of May, everything should be tiring but with Jupiter at your back you will be in the right place at the right time and every complicated situation, every problem can be solved. In short, a great ally that will help you not to make irreparable mistakes but will always offer the best solution. If you are young throw yourself into the world of work but with the right preparation and the right studies because you will be very lucky and by the end of the year you may find what you are looking for. Even individual business ventures can be very lucky this year.
Scorpio: wonderful second half of the year with Jupiter in Cancer. Its trigon can be crucial in all areas of your life but especially in work and love. If you are planning to change professional occupation, to travel beyond the usual city where you live, to go study abroad, then get busy in the first part of the year 2025 to find yourself ready by June. Probably while all the other people will be thinking about having fun, going on vacation, many of you will be focusing on work. Competitions, examinations, new types of study, renewals within the workplace are all likely to happen. If you are lonely, know how to be able to scrutinize the world and the people around you because life is really wonderful during this year and very often you will be able to fall in love, to express what you have deep in your heart. As for the first part of the year, the one that goes from January to the first days of June 2025, it is very likely that you will receive an inheritance or a large sum of money that comes to you unexpectedly, maybe even through a gamble but obviously in this case do not spend too much. Even sex should be full of gratification in the first part of the year, while in the second part of the year feelings and emotions of the heart will prevail. If you know how to share what you have inside then you will arrive at the end of the year very happy to have realized your personal project. Be brave.
Pisces: unfortunately that Jupiter in Gemini does not go away before the month of June but after so much effort, after so many disappointments and illusions, comes the happiness that is represented by Jupiter in Cancer. Its trigon will take place in your fifth zodiacal sector and therefore all work related to forms of entertainment and with children will be absolutely gratifying but what could happen in the second half of the year is that you yourself will have a great desire to have fun, much more than in previous months because you have suffered too much. Love will no longer be an illusion and those who are alone may unexpectedly meet the person they have been waiting for so long. The first months of the year are crucial for those couples in crisis who must make a decision. If the relationship remains then from June everything will be better but if the crisis is clear then much better to choose to separate. If you are not working or you intend to change jobs or make important changes within your company or office, then from June 2025 everything will be absolutely clearer and the right opportunities to dare will arrive. After the storm, therefore, comes a more serene period in which to be reborn in every area of life. Unfortunately, until the end of May, Jupiter brings to light some problems relating to the family of origin, and therefore to brothers, sisters and parents above all who will probably need your support. Try not to quarrel, not to create further moments of crisis with the people you love in this period.
Cancer - 10 Stars
Gemini - 10 Stars
Scorpio - 9 Stars
Virgo - 9 Stars
Taurus - 9 Stars
Leo - 8 Stars
Libra - 7 Stars
Aquarius - 6 Stars
Pisces - 5 Stars
Aries - 5 Stars
Sagittarius - 4 Stars
Capricorn - 4 Stars
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