Mars in the zodiac sign Capricorn has a meaning in astrology only related to the sexuality, work and energy of a person, man or woman that is or even to his anger, aggression? Do the affinities between male and female in love also affect Mars? What meanings does Mars take with her when she falls into a certain sign in our natal astrological theme? If Mars is in the sign of Capricorn on the day of our birth, what does it mean for us? What does it mean, what does it mean to have Mars in this sign in your birth chart? What are the characteristics of those born with the red planet Mars in the sign of Capricorn in the astral birth chart and in one of the 12 astrological houses? Can you calculate the position of your Mars at birth? If you have calculated this position and it falls into one of the 30 degrees of the Capricorn sign then you can read the meaning here, discovering more information about your character. Mars in Capricorn in the birth chart can in fact bring certain meanings to match that of the other planets present in the sky chart to be able to draw up an account of a person's character as specific and precise as possible. "How can I know what the meaning of Mars is in the Capricorn sign? How are they if Mars is in Capricorn on the subject of personal birth? How are they on a sexual level like Mars in this sign? For what jobs am I brought if I have Mars in this sign?" Mars is, in astrology, a symbol of a person's strength, a force that can be used in the sexual sphere but also in the field of work and in relationships with others. A person's more or less pronounced aggression is given by Mars. Let's try to understand the meaning of Mars in Capricorn.

Mars in Capricorn - meaning: the classic position of the person who does not quarrel and never gets angry but trouble if it breaks out. Become an uncontrollable monster worse than a scorpion. Fortunately it can happen very rarely. Good job sectors where a lot of physical strength is required but a slow and constant effort. Attention then to a person who owns Mars in Capricorn who perhaps forms a bad squaring aspect or opposition with Saturn in the birth chart because the wrathful wrath can be broken down and be super destructive precisely because accumulated in large quantities over time. This Mars leads the individual to be very vindictive with the passage of time and for him revenge is a dish that is served cold. The ideal jobs to exploit this type of energy are jobs in which there is not much need to speak but only to act and work in which the energies must come out calmly and spread over time. For example, if you do sport, jogging is ideal and not 100 meters.


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