What can it mean to have the planet Moon joins or that is in sextile, trine with Saturn in your birth chart? That give meaning to the Moon by transit passing over natal Saturn in good aspect? This encounter in our astral theme does it involve? What meanings given to aspects of conjunction, sextile and trine the Moon towards our natal Saturn placed in one of 12 astrological houses? Which are the meaning, significance, sense of the planet Moon in transit in conjuction, sextile, trine at the birth Saturn planet? When the Moon passes in transit in good aspect to Saturn in the birth chart does it mean? Let's see.
Meaning: this aspect makes you quiet, very serious, and want to have a few contacts. Maybe you do not see your love partner today and will be for the best. We enclose in the shell of your inner self, giving space to the intuition, but merriment to the reasonableness and composure. You can take advantage of these few hours to develop a plan that requires concentration.
Let us understand the meaning of the transit of the Moon when it is in conjunction, sextile or trine to natal Saturn placed in one of 12 astrological houses.
If natal Saturn is in the house I: you are very quiet and reflective today and you can take advantage of this time to concentrate on something useful.
If natal Saturn is in the house II: you are focused on how to earn more, on how to cash out. You may also have to spend something out of necessity.
If natal Saturn is in the house III: move with attention to driving and avoid visiting family because you are not in ideal conditions. A few relatively important news coming.
If natal Saturn is in the house IV: you will be very quiet in the family, within the walls of the house. You will not be open to dialogue and maybe you will close in your room.
If natal Saturn is in the house V: If you meet some new person will base the dialogue on seriousness. Strict with your children. There are no ideal time to devote to love.
If natal Saturn is in the house VI: serious at work and in relationships with colleagues and boss. Solve a problem to bones or teeth.
If natal Saturn is in the house VII: great disposition today to follow more the reason that the heart in matters of affection. Your partner may see you more closed and quieter than normal.
If natal Saturn is in the house VIII: gloomy thoughts, too serious. Let it stay there shines forth the ideas in my head. Maybe some news of a death far you come.
If natal Saturn is in the house IX: perhaps you would like to make a religious journey? Do you have strong thoughts towards this ideal very high and there is merit.
If natal Saturn is in the house X: this aspect predisposes you to get some well-deserved gift in a professional environment. You have sown and someone realized your effort. Relationships too earnest with your mother or with women in general.
If natal Saturn is in the house XI: you are really willing to understand the others and especially your friends. If someone asks you comfort between them will know and give good advice to dispense wise. Good ideas concerning projects to be taken into account.
If natal Saturn is in the house XII: maybe try a sense of closure at this time. Do you feel understood by others but you can not take advantage of this time to think about how best to tackle some evidence that life puts in front of you.
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