The alarm in dreams. Calm, tranquility, coldness. Symbolic meaning and interpretation. What does it mean to dream of sounding an alarm? Why can we dream of hearing an alarm at a distance, a warning sign and feeling fright, fear, agitation, anxiety, apprehension, worry, restlessness? What does it mean to dream of an alarm that catches fire at home or a faulty alarm that does not work very well? Why is it possible to dream of buying and installing, in our home, an alarm system against thieves, an electronic and satellite system with anti-theft gsm type and a video surveillance system with cameras and high-resolution cameras? What does it mean to dream of hearing, listening, a very loud sound of an alarm for our ears coming from our house or from the house of our parents, relatives, brothers, sisters, uncles, brothers-in-law, grandparents? For what reason can we dream of the siren of a home alarm that trips and sounds continuously and we can not block it? What does it mean to dream of an alarm that plays and never stops? Some people say they dreamed of installing an alarm system that did not work. What numbers of Neapolitan grimace do you have to play when you dream of an anti-theft alarm to try to win the lottery according to the dream book and the dream guide? "This night I dreamed of detaching the alarm at home and I dreamed of entering a house with the alarm in operation and that never stopped ringing. The other night I went into a shop with my mother, my father, my wife and my children and I heard the sirens of an alarm bomb, earthquake alarm, tsunami or fire and fire and I was very afraid. Last night I dreamed of going out of the house but I could not start the alarm system, the alarm system. Last night I heard the car alarm ringing, but with the remote control I was not able to turn it off. Why do I sometimes dream of going into a store, a house or another place and hear an alarm sound? Some you want is possible to dream of stealing in an unknown place but being caught by the police after an alarm has sounded". Sometimes it is possible to be with some children, animals, dead people or even singers or famous actors and hear a ringing alarm. Let's understand the meaning of dreams in which the deafening sound of an alarm, of a siren, is the protagonist.


Certainly many of you understand that an alarm in our dreams can signal a danger or the possibility of defending oneself from danger. To better understand the dreamlike meaning of this object, of this instrument, we must start from its concept in real life. An alarm is used to defend your home and home from the onslaught of thieves who want to enter to steal and usually an alarm is put on and activated when we are not at home and we want to protect objects, documents, gold, money. Also the alarm is useful even when we are at home and maybe sleep. When we dream of hearing an alarm then we must think that we are in a moment in our lives where we need protection, to be defended by someone or something related to a situation we are experiencing in real life. In short, the alarm in dreams is the symptom of a problem that must be addressed and must not be underestimated. When we wake up, after having had a dream like this, we must think that we are in a rather complicated period, in a period of our life when we do not know what to do, who to turn to for help. If we notice thieves entering the house or office and the alarm sounds, then we realize the problem we are experiencing and then look for a useful solution but if, in the dream, the thieves enter and the alarm does not sound, then we we are underestimating the problem that unfortunately can be particularly complex and create various complications. If the thieves enter the house, the alarm is triggered and they are fleeing, then, most likely we will be able to find a valid solution to a problem that haunts and fills our mind. Alarms can be silent or very deaf and unbearable even in our dreams. A particularly annoying alarm that continues to sound despite trying to turn it off, signals an event that requires our attention and that is not easy to solve even if we try to find a solution.

The alarm is used to make the thieves flee, the cameras are used to change the mind of thieves who before deciding to enter a flat can analyze the whole situation. So here we are talking about protection, the need to be protected by someone or to protect someone. In fact, in our dreams we can be ourselves that we install alarms and cameras to protect our home and our home, in the dream world, we represent ourselves, our inner part, our mind. These dreams can be very important to really understand what we want to protect, the people we want to protect from any danger. Never forget that every detail of dreams is essential to provide a correct interpretation, so objects, places, people, colors, sensations and emotions must be remembered. For example, if we dream of setting up an alarm in our home, clearly the need for protection concerns ourselves and our family, then our mother, our father, our wife or husband, our children. If we hear an alarm sound in the office or just install an alarm system at work, then it is precisely in that place, with our colleagues and with our employer that we feel the need to be protected. Often these dreams occur during or after a difficult period of coexistence in the family or at work. And indeed, being the alarm a protection, often these dreams come when we are not sure of the results and successes we have achieved. For example, we have achieved great professional and economic success but we are afraid of not being able to carry on and maintain these excellent results. Here that this type of dreams also indicates that the dreamer has little esteem of himself. And then, in order to better analyze this kind of dreams it is very important to remember, beyond the place where we are, the people who are with us. For example, being in the house with our parents and listening to the sound of an alarm, means that our family life and the relationship with mum and dad are in a difficult phase and maybe we seek a protection against the severity of the parents themselves, especially if we are children or boys.

So the alarm that often sounds is also a valid sign of some interpersonal relationships that we live in real life. For example, if the dreamer is married to a person and is experiencing moments of misunderstanding, of emotional difficulty, then an alarm in a dream can put attention precisely on these difficulties that therefore should not be underestimated, otherwise the romantic relationship can also worsen with the passage of time. Furthermore, it is important to say something very important. Often the alarms in dream refer to a period of our earthly existence, in which we are really very stressed, we live days full of tension, stress and tension that then find a vent in dreams through the symbolism of the alarm. An alarm can also work and not work. If an alarm does not work, then our life is not protected, we do not know how to solve certain situations and we can not reduce stress and tension. Waking up during sleep and at night due to a very loud alarm sound is not a very good experience and in fact almost always signals a not very quiet and tormented period of our life. When we listen to a very deafening sound we must try to clarify within ourselves, in our life, analyze our interpersonal and social relationships to discover all the things that are not good and must be fixed. The alarm in the dream can be seen as an invitation to review our earthly existence, all we are doing because maybe we are wrong, we are making wrong decisions and we are making choices that do not allow us to evolve positively. Before concluding the article we would like to refer another important meaning that is often associated with dreams in which we hear a really deafening noise of an alarm. When we do this kind of dreams we have to ask ourselves what we are afraid of, what fears we have in our lives, fears that must be faced but which we can not deal with.


Have you had another dream? Do you want to read an interpretation of it? Look in the dictionary of dreams this site the item that you have dreamed and read the interpretation. If you do not find anything you perform a search on one of best dedicated website to the world of dreams and not only, ilmigliorweb.blogspot.com. If you want more clarification on a dream or nightmare that you can write using the contact form and we'll try to answer you as soon as possible.


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