Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini sign by sign what will it bring good and bad? The transit of Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini in 2023 and 2024 is positive for some zodiac signs and less positive for other signs of the zodiac. But what is the significance of the transit of the planet Jupiter in astrology? What are the predictions of Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini? What does the planet Jupiter in astrology also represent on an esoteric level? Let's try to understand the characteristics of the planet Jupiter in astrology with its passage in the earth sign Taurus in the year 2023 and which will alternate with the zodiac sign of air Gemini in 2024. In this article we will see the predictions and horoscope of the planet Jupiter for all 12 zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. "I need to know if the transition of Jupiter into Taurus and Gemini will be positive for me. Where can I read the predictions of my zodiac sign relating to the transit of Jupiter in the sign of Taurus and Gemini? What events indicates Jupiter for the my sign since he entered Taurus and Gemini? Will I have luck this year or not? Who helps me to understand if Jupiter in the sign of the zodiac Taurus and in Gemini brings positive and favorable events to my zodiac sign?" Before reading the predictions and horoscope of the planet Jupiter in 2023 and 2024, let's try to understand what it means, what Jupiter means in astrology and which signs will be more or less lucky.
Jupiter is a planet taken into account by many astrologers in the world. His steps are often positive and lead events favorable to those signs of the zodiac receiving an aspect of conjunction, trine and sesitle but obviously the connecting aspect is much more important because it happens every 12 years for each sign. In fact, Jupiter steps are considered important enough because it takes about 12 years to go around the entire zodiac. When Jupiter passes in a sign, the year for this sign can really bring many new and desire to change. We must say that though its steps are not powerful enough to change radically the life of a sign and then a person. However, his transits can facilitate ideas, projects, initiatives, can bring good opportunities to be exploited and give a great desire to do new things.
But what will Jupiter bring that on Wednesday 17 of May 2023 enters the earth sign of Taurus and will remain there until the next spring of 2024 and then definitively passes into Gemini? What will be the most fortunate and ray-kissed signs of this so-called benevolent planet? Let's understand immediately. Let's start with the fact that those born in the zodiac sign Taurus will be the most favored along with the other two earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn. Cancer and Pisces, receiving the favorable sextile influence from Taurus, will also be able to have a good year. Jupiter certainly does not favor the zodiac sign Scorpio during this year since she is opposed to the latter and also Leo and Aquarius will be influenced not positively by this planet. From mid-May, however, the new transit of Jupiter in Gemini changes everything and the air signs will be more fortunate. Remember, however, that we are evaluating this passage in a general sense and not taking into account the position of the other planets in the personal natal chart that each of us has and the simultaneous transit of other planets such as Saturn. So take this information very calmly. Here's what Jupiter will bring to the 12 signs of the zodiac:
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Aries: your year has finally come after 12 years. In fact, Jupiter stabilizes in your sky for many months during this year and then transits into the next zodiac sign. In fact, the planet of luck will be with you from 21 December 2022 until 16 May 2024 but it has passed through your sky also during the spring and summer 2022. A year in which to make plans, in which to carry on ideas and projects that you started precisely in year 2022 but which have not yet ended and have not brought what you really wanted. The very nice thing that could happen during these 12 months is that not only will you leave for new adventures, especially of a professional nature, but you will most likely be able to obtain concrete successes by the end of the year because with Jupiter in Taurus and therefore in second. home, economic rewards are very likely. So the first months of 2024 in which to work hard and set off towards new goals, to field dreams that had remained in your drawer for too long. If you are not happy with the work you are doing then the right opportunity will almost certainly come along that will allow you to change. If you are happy with the work you have then we expect many improvements for you, some small, some large but still all important. Travel for business purposes is very advantageous in all 12 months. In love, novelty for lonely hearts, the decision to get married, to go to live together, to have a child by the end of the year or to buy a new home. Fantastic time to graduate, to take a degree, to make competitions, to pass exams and don't worry if all these goals will require a lot of money because by the end of the year you can earn quite well with Jupiter in Taurus. Sensation of psychophysical well-being in sharp increase and great predisposition to sociability. Important meetings.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Taurus: the planet of fortune that passes through for the first 5 months still in Toro can still bring interesting financial investment opportunities as well as opportunities to earn thanks to what has been sown in the past. It must be said, however, that the new transit in Gemini which occurs from the end of May 2024, will be even better than its transit in Taurus and taking place in the third zodiacal sector could indicate many movements, many opportunities to meet people, messages and important phone calls that can contribute to improve your working condition. We are almost convinced that during this year you will travel a lot, you will meet many people, you will understand that there are different ways to undertake some professional paths. If you are looking for a job, however, it would be better to take advantage of the first 5 months of the year to do interviews, to study, to prepare well so that with Jupiter in Gemini you have the certainty of being contacted by someone who will appreciate your qualities. This is a lucky year also when it comes to love as the presence of Jupiter in a zodiac sign of earth and in the second astrological sector indicates a probable arrival of a child or the need to buy a new home to live with the person you love. . So a year of real construction and stabilization not only in the workplace but also in the personal sphere. In some cases it will be a matter of earning very well and suddenly also because we remember that Uranus transits in Taurus and Jupiter will join this planet over the course of the year. The commitment must be really great and the tiredness will make you feel in many moments but the results you will achieve can be sensational. One of the best years if we look at at least the last 10 years. Jupiter takes you under her protective wing, offers you opportunities to seize and take off in every sector of your life but you don't have to be hesitant.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Gemini: luck for you is not over yet because Jupiter will still be in your zodiac sign for 5 months and in fact the last months in which it is in transit in the zodiac sign, allow you to reach important goals, to realize a project, to start a new professional activity, to fall in love by finding your soul mate, to go to live together or get married and finally also to buy a new house, a new car, to renew the environment that surrounds you and to do many other things. One of the best years of your life that after the month of May will already allow you to reap the fruits of your hard commitment and especially if you have changed your life path, by the end of the year 2024 you will begin to reap the fruits of sowing. With Jupiter in transit in the second astrological sector starting from June 2024, you can also hope to invest money positively for your future, to start a collaboration, a very profitable company in economic terms and also to earn unexpectedly. If you don't have a good job yet or you are unemployed don't give up but act at the beginning of the year and you will see that by the end of the summer you will be absolutely satisfied with what you will do. Even in love this year can be very profitable and those who got married or started a cohabitation between last year and the beginning of this year, can now think of a child, a first or second child. Certainly it is a great year which is the continuation of the old year but which promises to give even more. If you are alone, spring could offer a truly exciting meeting, a great friendship that could soon turn into a truly wonderful romantic relationship. For some of you it may happen to be disappointed by a meeting but around the corner you will find someone else waiting for you and therefore morale must always be high.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Cancer: Jupiter that passes behind you for the first 5 months and therefore in the twelfth house, clearly indicates that the difficulties that you will somehow encounter in your life and in every sector of it, will certainly be overcome because this is a planet that is always quite positive and he helps, he argues, sometimes he deceives but in any case he is often an excellent ally, a friend, a travel companion. From the month of June 2024 the situation will change significantly and you will begin to live a period that you have been looking forward to for about 12 years. Go back 12 years to try to understand what Jupiter has given you in the past to better understand what could happen between this and next year. Surely you will have new ideas in mind, a desire to renew your life, to feel absolutely different, to undertake new professional paths, to experience changes also at the level of studies as well as at the sentimental and family level. Many people even in old age may decide to return to study, some people may choose, especially young people, to go and live alone, away from family, parents to experience a greater sense of freedom while other people will feel the strong need within them to change jobs, to move to a new city, in a different environment than usual in order to find those stimuli that allow them to better express their qualities. An important year to fall in love, to make long, fun and lucky journeys for work, to make agreements, conclude contracts, to broaden one's horizons even if it will be necessary to invest a lot of money in some cases. A cohabitation, a diploma, the choice of the wedding date, a new company, life in a new home or the important renovation of the one you already live in. All of these things can happen before the year ends. A great love for lonely hearts.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Leo: the squaring of the planet of luck continues, unfortunately for you, for several months of the year and exactly until the end of May. When Jupiter is in quadrature or in opposition what he canto happen is to delude oneself too much, to have too many castles in the air, to be excessively optimistic and then risk collapsing and suffering bitter defeats. You don't have to step harder than the leg, don'twe must dare in any area of ??life and know how to be satisfied. For example, at work you may feel the need to leave, to quit, to get fired or for some reason you will be fired. This is not a big drama if you are very young and you are prepared because with the new transit of Jupiter in Gemini, opportunities may come. In fact, the second part of the year is much better and the planet of luck, passing through the eleventh house could lead to significant changes in the level of projects to be implemented in life and in every sector. In particular, you may have a wonderful professional idea to work hard and in which to be supported and helped perhaps by some friends. Then we must not forget that Jupiter in the eleventh astrological sector indicates the possibility of falling in love with someone who is part of your circle of friends, a person you have never thought about from this point of view but who from June will perhaps make you change your mind. . When we talk about leaving with new proteges, obviously we are not talking only about work but also about private life, family, romantic relationship and who knows that many of you feel the need to leave your family, to go and live in a new home. enjoying greater freedom and independence. Do not underestimate this second period of the year because it will really allow you to reach very important goals and objectives that could last over the next few years. A marital separation can occur in the first 5 months.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Virgo: a beautiful love story that perhaps began already in the last months of the old year and which is now becoming even more concrete. A sentimental relationship that you are passionate about and that could materialize with the choice to move in together, to go to a new home, to choose the wedding date, even to conceive a child. All this is possible but it must be said that in our work you will be able to achieve a lot in the first 5 months of the year with the excellent support of Jupiter in Taurus, supported by Uranus always in this zodiac sign of earth. Do not be too optimistic because this Jupiter invites you to be really concrete, to invest your money wisely so as not to find yourself in economic difficulties in the second half of the year. In fact, with Jupiter moving into the tenth astrological sector from the month of June, you may have to review your professional career, your relationship with your mother and your type of social ascent will also play a fundamental role. Probably if you have been able to sow well between the year 2023 and the first part of the year 2024 then you will be able to achieve enormous successes, even you could even decide to enter the world of politics within your small or large city. Steps forward, emancipations, breaking the chains to which your feet were tied, greater awareness of your possibilities and progress in some unexpected but above all incredible cases but only if, in fact, you have been able to sow well in recent months. Pay attention to the relationship with your mother that for some reason could change positively or negatively because for some reason you will feel the need to detach yourself from her. In some cases, your own mother will achieve unexpected successes in her life that could affect any sector of her. A year that promises to be incredible if you are as concrete as you have always been and above all you will know how to think before acting.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Libra: a very good year also here which is also divided into two parts for you. Transiting Jupiter in your eighth astrological sector and subsequently in the ninth zodiacal sector. So the first 5 months it could happen to have a big stroke of luck, to receive an inheritance, to win or to unexpectedly earn a large sum of money. If this has not happened in the last few months of the past year then everything can be realized in the first 5 months with Jupiter still in Taurus and among other things also supported by Uranus which is always found in this zodiac sign of earth. Probably it will also be a question of going out a large sum of money to invest in the purchase of a house, an apartment, in its renovation or in the purchase of a new car or really expensive tools for your work but if we look at the subsequent transit of Jupiter in Gemini, from the month of June, therefore in trine with your natal Sun, then we can hope that all these important expenses will be favorable to achieve goals and achieve goals even by the end of the year 2024. But Jupiter after June transits into ninth house and therefore what could happen to many of you is to hear inside a voice, a divine light that grows more and more and that allows you to be much more spiritual, less materialistic, dedicating more time to prayer for example or to a less worldly and with fewer vices. In short, this second part of the year promises to make you mature spiritually, to make you evolve, to achieve a very good balance between mind, body and spirit. Many of you will feel the need to go back to studying even very heavy, very tiring subjects, perhaps they will decide to tackle humanities studies and at an age that is no longer young. The mind opens and tries to reach new horizons. Very important journeys, even far away to find oneself and one's place in this world.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Scorpio: unfortunately still opposite Jupiter in the first part of the year and exactly in its first 5 months. The difficulty of being able to do what you planned to do is felt very much in this beginning of the year 2024 and the end of winter and the beginning of spring will be very complicated in many areas of your life but above all at work and family level, as well as sentimental. In love, for example, it could happen to argue a lot, perhaps too much and to have to make an important decision, that is to leave the person who is by your side, then to face a marital separation because you understand that you can not go on like this anymore. Sentimental dissatisfaction and disappointments regarding possible new love encounters could only be a side dish to the serious professional and economic difficulties because we must not forget that Uranus is always found in Taurus. A working collaboration that ends, a project that does not proceed but creates various complications, some serious economic difficulties, incoming expenses and who knows even an annoying bureaucratic, legal, judicial problem that may have started last year. Fortunately, the climate changes in the second half of the year and exactly from June 2024 but the new transit of Jupiter will not be so excellent as she will transit in Gemini and therefore in your eighth astrological sector. What could happen in the following months is to earn a sum of money unexpectedly or, following a bereavement, to receive something as an inheritance or even decide to spend a lot of money to buy a new house, a car, to pay lawyers and lawsuits if by chance you haven't had any luck in this regard. In short, the risk of seeing some situations that started badly in the last year ended negatively is really concrete in the new year 2024. This is not the year to risk in large financial investments. Love separations that cost too much.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Sagittarius: certainly the first part of this year must be exploited a lot as having Jupiter in Taurus, however in a position that is not excellent but at least not in opposition as will happen in the second part of the year, means being able to sow something. Transiting in the sixth zodiacal sector this planet, together with Uranus, can significantly improve the climate in the workplace, the environment in which you work, collaborations and dialogue with colleagues as well as with the boss. Even in the family, the climate can improve significantly and you will feel good at home. It would be ideal to undertake some work in the house, to fix, through a small renovation, the environment in which you live but without spending too much money as from June, with the opposition of Jupiter, things will change rather quickly and you will not have to waste energy resources. In the most serious cases, this Jupiter could lead to a loss of work, to an unexpected dismissal then or even foreseen but still painful because the professional prospects in front of your eyes will not be excellent considering also the square of Saturn. If you can keep your job then the environment will perhaps become more hostile, more complicated to manage, you will not be in tune with the people you work with and you will not be satisfied with what you will accomplish. We must not be under any illusions after the month of June and rather know how to be satisfied with what you have because Jupiter knows how to deceive and disappoint a lot if he is teased too much. Even on a sentimental level but only if the love relationship has entered a phase of profound crisis, a separation seems to be truly inevitable. If you are alone you may have the illusion that you have met the right person for you but in reality you will be faced with an illusion, probably also suffering a lot. A year in which to sow a lot in the first 5 months and then open your eyes well thereafter.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Capricorn: great year again because the transit of Jupiter always in Taurus for the first 5 months is absolutely beneficial for you and in many areas of your life. Let's say that in the last few months of the old year you probably started something new, you followed new paths, renewed your working, sentimental, economic, family life and now you can begin to concretely see the effects of these changes. If we also analyze the presence of Uranus always in Taurus which will join Jupiter during this year, then we can confirm that for many of you there will be a great opportunity, the opportunity of a lifetime to earn a lot, to carry out a very important project that will project you in a series of very lucky years. You still have time to plant the seeds of a plant that will already allow you to reap its truly generous fruits in the second half of the year. Do not be afraid to change jobs, to change love partners, to leave an old path that no longer offers anything to continue along a more rewarding path. If you are comfortable with the person you love, you may also decide to get married, to live together, to have a child, to buy a new house to live in. Dating for lonely hearts and opportunities to find a good job for those who are still unemployed or not happy with the job they currently have. With Jupiter that from June 2024 will be in transit in the zodiac sign Gemini, you could further improve your quality of life, you could improve the climate in the workplace and at home, following the realization of some professional and personal projects that have made you happy. Ideal months to do home renovations or to change furniture. Daily life can flow peacefully and you will feel calmer even within you, perhaps even starting a new hobby or dedicating yourself to nature.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Aquarius: a year divided in two as indeed for many other zodiac signs but for you, in particular, it will be different because you will face a series of very difficult months and in which you will think you are very unfortunate and then a series of very beautiful months to live in which you will seem to rise from the ashes. What is important to understand is that during the first months of the year which are then a continuation of those of last year, you will have to avoid making too many mistakes because, for example, if you have started a legal case, a marital separation and you have found yourself in situations very expensive at an economic level as well as at an energetic level, then the transit of Jupiter in Gemini will not allow you to solve everything but will simply allow you to slightly fix the various situations. So you need to get advice from the right people, avoid making decisions alone, making sudden and strange choices. Do not underestimate the body with Jupiter in Taurus because Jupiter reconnects to nutrition, food, therefore body weight, while the zodiac sign Taurus reconnects with cooking, with the desire to eat healthy but also in an exaggerated way. Here you could increase your weight, have liver problems and therefore pay attention to nutrition and stay away from any vices such as alcohol and smoking. If you are looking for a job maybe after being fired, then the second part of the year will give you excellent opportunities but you will have to be very prepared and therefore you will absolutely have to study a lot. Even in love, after a possible separation, breakup, you will be able to meet a person who can make you relive beautiful emotions. Those couples who resist Jupiter in Taurus will be indestructible and can return to being quite happy with the new transit of the planet of fortune in Gemini after the month of June until the end of the year. Do not underestimate any physical ailments.
Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini 2024 - meaning for the sign Pisces: an important moment for you could happen in the first part of the year 2024 thanks not only to the support of Jupiter in Taurus but also of Uranus as well as of Saturn even if the latter planet will make you less expansive, more silent and decidedly less romantic, cheerful , optimists. A career path will be very complicated to carry on but if you know how to fight then you will reach really interesting goals, small and big successes that can continue for many years later. It is absolutely necessary to sow in the first part of the year and exactly between the months of January, February, March, April and May because, unfortunately, with Jupiter moving to Gemini and therefore in quadrature, everything will be slightly more complicated. The second part of the year will not be easy to face but if you have known how to sow in the past then you can face everything with serenity. Many trips to do during the first 5 months, months in which your phone, your chats will be really hot with many contacts and communication but try to find time to have fun, to rest during the summer especially, in order to have the the right energy to face autumn and winter which are complicated but can be overcome with determination, self-denial, commitment and a sense of responsibility. The subsequent transit in Gemini, therefore in your fourth zodiacal sector, suggests some event, not particularly pleasant in the family, perhaps concerning the parents. Who knows that an older parent will need you and you will not have to lack your support. If you live in the house with your parents, you may feel the need to leave, to face life alone, to go and live in a new house, thus feeling more independent, freer and no longer subject to parental rules. this especially if you are still very young. But in this case it is necessary to evaluate very well the choices and the paths to be taken.
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